Study Guide
What does scripture teach us about freedom, government, and citizenship? What in the world is happening in our country right now? And what is the Christian response that is so needed?
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The Group Study can be self-led or taught by the Big Sky Center onsite or online for your group depending on your location.
Customizable formats include weekly classes, half-day or day workshops, or short presentations for meetings and gatherings.
Online Chapter Materials
Introduction: Why biblical citizenship?
Lesson 1: What the Bible says about freedom, government, and citizenship - Part 1
Lesson 2: What the Bible says about freedom, government, and citizenship - Part 2
Lesson 3: Ordered Liberty: the founding principles of our form of government - is it biblical?
Lesson 4: “A Republic, if you can keep it” - the role of the church, pastors, and families
Lesson 5: The Christian U.S. Citizen
Lesson 6: Political, economic, and cultural angles of attack against God
Lesson 7: The Christian and politics: Ways to engage
Lesson 8: The Christian response to tyranny