About the Big Sky Center for Biblical Citizenship

Why biblical citizenship?

Ultimately our trust and assurance is that God is in control, Jesus is Lord, and the Holy Spirit is ever present accomplishing God’s purposes.  So our churches must be faithful to those purposes.  And we must be Christ to the world, including as citizens.

The preamble of Montana's 1889 Constitution, similar to preambles in all fifty states, began:

“We, the people of Montana, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty, in order to secure the advantages of a state government, do…ordain and establish this constitution."

With biblically-grounded citizens faithfully participating, we can perpetuate our state's civil and religious liberty, its culture, and the local control of our community and state.


The Big Sky Center for Biblical Citizenship helps educate and engage us in our communities, to think eternally and act locally.

“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.”   Philippians 1:27

The Center's ultimate purpose is to help faithful Christians be Christ to the world and to fulfill the witness and service of the church in society. 

After participating in the Center at some level, hopefully you will be more aware of the biblical principles guiding Christians as citizens, and better able to discern your own calling to be salt and light in a country that desperately needs it. 

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”  Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:10

This is not only a prayer reflecting God’s intentions, it is the prescription for the good of society and human flourishing. 

Living faithfully is not only the right thing to do, it blesses those around us.  And bringing God’s principles and order to every sphere of our lives, including as citizens, blesses our society in general.  

And in that there is hope.


Keith Downey

Keith brings a unique background as founder and Director of the Big Sky Center for Biblical Citizenship.  He was part of planting a church on the campus of the University of Wisconsin.  He was a businessman and a management consultant for state and local government operations.  And in his time in politics in Minnesota, Keith was a state legislator, state party chairman, and candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor.  Combined with the biblical principles of God's design for freedom, government, and citizenship, Keith's very practical experience informs the Center's purpose and its ideas for faithfully and successfully engaging in the public square. 

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